

Dominick A. Leone

This question is posed to us, in some fashion, on a daily basis. Most of us fall into one of three camps: whatever they are selling I don’t need it, I’ll take it to be safe, or I like the sales person so I’ll take his recommendation.

The answer to “is it worth it?” comes down to a balance of four things:


ominick A. Leone

The risks are what you have to lose by not choosing “it”. The benefits are what you gain, or what “it” does for you. The cost includes not only what “it” costs, but what it costs if you don’t take “it”: compare the cost of having it with not having it. The “U-factor” is a category that encompasses things centered around you: what you want, who you are, what you are … U U U U U … everything about what you bring to the table.

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You go to buy a hamburger at your local burger-joint. The guy
behind the register asks, “do you want to add a side order of acorns for just 99¢?” Unless U like acorns, this offer is worthless – but what if there was some reason to eat them? Like a benefit? Now if the pimple-faced, hormone-driven, burger-flipper were to state that a New England Journal of Medicine article recently showed acorns eaten with a fatty meal reduce the chances of sudden heart attack by 50%, you might just find IT worth IT. What we did was balance the four: Risk, Benefit, Cost, and U-factor.

ominick A. Leone